You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 24, 2007.


Ok, I know this is a knitting blog, despite the fact that my last 5 finished objects have been sewn and I have been talking about sewing for quite some time. They are just so addicting and quick to finish for the completed object euphoria. But knitting is always there when I need to relax or take something along when I am travelling about and have some time to kill. So as proof I figured make my next FO should a knitted one. Orangina was one of those “in between” projects that bore you to death but you want the end result so you trudge on. Everyone in knitting blogland has made this so once again I am a bandwagoneer, but man we knitter have such lovely bandwagons to jump on 🙂

Yarn: Rowan Cotton Glace
Inspiration: Orangina
Size 2
Yardage: 5.5 balls
Modifications: Knit completely in the round instead of as separate pieces. Also knit a size 36 even though I am a 38 bust…unless the girls are getting smaller
Enjoyment Factor: 6
– Love the finished product, not so in love with the long process

The Good:

  • I love the result of this sweater. It fits perfectly. Probably one of my best finished projects yet. I knit the 36″ bust, despite being a 38″, because I did not want all the ease accounted for in the pattern. If I remember correctly the 36″ knit up into a 41″ total diameter. This proved to work out well for me because the sweater even stretches a little with wear due to the all cotton content of the yarn.
  • Love the color. It is just one of my favorites right now. Not quite pink, not quite purple but just right
  • Knitting in the round. It was the best thing I could have done because this would have sat for quite a while if seaming was involved. Since I didn’t do anything to the pattern to account for the stitches allowed for seaming, I have a hand of stockinette right under the underarm pit that runs into the ribbing (sorry no pic, but you can see it a little in the bottom, right hand corner of the picture below). At first I thought this would be a bad thing, but I kinda like it after all.


  • Love the lace. I wore a matching tank for these shots, but I also love it with the contrast of a white tank too.

The Bad:

  • Size 2 needles! Yeah I have gotten over the shock of needle sizes but it sure did make for a long knit. I was sad when I didn’t get gauge at size 3 but what are you gonna do.
  • Speaking of needles, what was I thinking when I thought I could get away with some using some cheapy needles from Michaels that had a HUGE join between the cable and the needle? It was a struggle every time I had to move the stitches. I was trying to be frugal and convince myself that I could struggle through with these piece of crap needles, but finally sanity won out and I bought some Addi Turbo Lace Needles. Can we say butter?! I have to say those needles save this shell from exile.
  • I am impatient and time seems to always be my complaint, especially when it is such a repetitive pattern. It killed me on the Chevron Scarf and was no different on this one.
  • This color is hard as hell to take a picture of. The picture with me in it is pretty much the color. All the rest are for detail only.


The Ugly:

  • This is made with cotton, the death fabric. It is called the death fabric because you are not suppose to wear it when doing any sort of water sports because it absorbs and retains water like a MoFo. Well, this puppy soaked up a gang load of water during blocking and then wanted to take forever to dry in 88F weather with a fan directly pointed at it. Good thing I don’t plan on going kayaking with this one.


Knit Time: April 24 – July 19

July 2007

On the Needles

Kusha Kusha Scarf CO: 8/22
Turtleneck Tube Vest CO: 9/30
Knitty Shimmer CO: 9/8
Cable Down Raglan CO: 10/26

Under the Needle

McCall's M5478 Jacket
Started 8/07, 45% Complete


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