Me and my best friend Jill just finished planning her birthday vacation location. We are going to Kona, Hawaii!!! And guess who is coming with us! Amy Butler! Yup, as soon as we decided on the location and bought the tickets I knew Amy would be essential to the trip. So I got in touch with her and she had some wonderful idea for the trip.

For packing there was this:


To block out the sun when I wasn’t getting a tan (ahem…that was a joke as I have more melatonin than the average person) there was this:


To hide my unsightly chub there was this and this:



And possibly for my friend Jill, there is this:


ok ok, she may not be there in body but definitely in craft. She always knows exactly what I need. I am such a Amy Butler groupie 🙂

Now to find the time to do all this sewing AND lose the prerequisite vacation chub so that I can fit this body into a bathing suit. Lean Cuisine here I come!